My favorite attraction at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida is the Carousel of Progress. It most certainly is not a thrill ride. Nor is it a ride from one of the Disney movies and one unlikely to become a movie. So, why would it be my favorite, and by far nonetheless? The answer may surprise some. For fans of Walt Disney, the answer will no doubt make perfect sense.

1964 New York World's Fair

WED Enterprises created four shows for the 1964 World's Fair in New York. Walt Disney designed and perfected his system of what he called Audio-Animatronics for these exciting new attractions. His new techniques used computers and electromechanical actuators to produce lifelike movements in robot actors to act out each scene.

It's A Small World

The first of the four shows was It's A Small World. This boat ride, debuting in the 1964 World's Fair, is now at five Disney parks worldwide. Its iconic song, not soon forgotten if you have ever heard it, was written by the Sherman Brothers. Several dancing dolls represent many of the countries from around the world. I still love to ride it when I go because of its connection to my childhood. It isn’t the most popular ride. However, its nostalgic theme still pleases many guests, such as myself, even today.

It's A Small World

Ford's Magic Skyway (PeopleMover)

The second most popular exhibit of the fair was another WED Imagineering marvel, Ford's Magic Skyway. Although the world wasn't taken by storm with this engineering masterpiece, it did eventually become what is now known as the PeopleMover ride system seen at Tomorrowland in Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom. At the World's Fair, audience members would move through scenes featuring life-sized Audio-Animatronics dinosaurs and cavemen. Now, guests are taken on a journey about the world of tomorrow.


Great Moments with Mr Lincoln

Four score, and seven years ago, a lifelike President Abraham Lincoln recited his famous speeches in Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln at the Illinois pavilion for the 1964 New York World's Fair. The innovations in how well he looked lifelike can still be seen today in the Hall of Presidents in the Magic Kingdom at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. As a patriot, I absolutely love this show to this day. Although Mr. Lincoln does not go through the same script as he did in 1964, the Hall of Presidents attraction continues to inspire with updated speeches of the latest presidents as they are elected.

President Lincoln

Which brings me to the fabulous show that takes you on a journey with an American family through a century of progress, the Carousel of Progress. Once again, the great Sherman Brothers wrote a catchy tune called There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow.

Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress

Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress

Most of the year, Florida can be quite warm and humid. And that is putting it nicely. The benefit to the Walt Disney World Resort is that they can remain open year round. With the heat, I have heard many people like the Carousel of Progress due to the air conditioning. With it being a 20 minute show, they enjoy getting out of the heat for a while. That is not the case for this guy! For me, it takes me through time from the turn of the 20th century right into the 21st century.

To this day, Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress holds the record for the longest-running stage show in the history of American Theater. It is one of the oldest attractions at the Magic Kingdom and is also the only attraction at the Walt Disney World Resort that had been touch by Walt Disney himself.

Act 1

It is Valentine's Day and John and Rover introduce us to the opening of the 20th century telling us about the new marvels of their new ice box and kerosene lamps. Unspoiled milk and good lighting are things we take advantage of in our modern world. But at the time, these simple items were quite the marvels indeed!

Act 1

Act 2

The roaring twenties and the celebration of American Independence Day usher in new technology like snap on lights, electric appliances, and an electric starter for John's car. There is also this amazing thing where one can travel by train from New York to California in just 3 days!

Act 2

Act 3

America in the 1940s brings us to a new concept called the rat race (commuting to work). It is Fall and Halloween, and now television brings entertainment into the home. There are even automatic dishwashers now! John is pretty handy at this point and makes an automatic paint mixer that goes haywire and throws paint everywhere.

Act 3

Act 4

Virtual reality, voice activated gadgets, and Christmas lights round out the show. John ends up burning the Christmas turkey when he inadvertently sets the oven to 975 degrees as he repeats the score of the video game being played on the TV by grandma!

Act 4

There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day." For me, this isn't just a catchy tune. It is a philosophy. A way of living which promotes optimism and prepares me for the next day. There aren't any guarantees that tomorrow will be a great day. However, I can turn any day into a great day by having a great attitude.

Technology is a huge part of my life. In fact, it is what I do. As a software engineer and architect, I have the pleasure of helping others get the best out of the technology they use. So seeing how technology evolved over the course of the 20th century is fascinating to me. I also find it humorous the sort of problems technology solved that we take advantage of today.

Today's technology was only possible by 20th century innovation. And no one was more innovative in the previous century than Walt Disney. It only makes sense for me to want to model my personal motivations and ambitions to align with his. At least to the extent of imagining what can be possible and make it happen. Those possibilities I imagine today can become the great big beautiful tomorrow!

Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress

My Favorite Attraction

I began this article by saying the Carousel of Progress is by far my favorite attraction at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. Many of the things I wrote about above may have you thinking it is somewhat obvious as to why that is. However, none of that is truly the explanation behind "the why."

Including family and friends of Walt Disney, various sources say that the Carousel of Progress was his favorite attraction. Of all of the attractions he brought to the World's Fair in 1964-1965, it seemed Walt Disney was especially devoted to this attraction. Knowing that he poured so much of himself into this, that is why I share with Walt Disney that the Carousel of Progress is my favorite attraction.