Welcome to my collection of paintings and photographs.

Robert K Rees Memorial Park

Robert K Rees Memorial Park

Robert K Rees Memorial Park in New Port Richey, Florida



2020 was a year of discovery, among other things. One of the hobbies I began that year was photography. I purchased a cheap, used camera to see if I had the eye and passion to capture my world in the photograph  medium. Once I moved to Florida, I took things to the next level and bought a decent camera and lens to fulfill this new found passion. The best of the best photographs I have been able to capture are featured here.



At a very young age, I found art as an outlet to express feelings and emotion in ways that others could visually see. Over the years, I have drawn, doodled, painted, and sketched. Although I have not always saved everything I have created, I do keep record of all the paintings I have created since 2021. This, is that collection.