
I started my motivational posts based on the concept of the fortune cookie. As I continued to evolve the concept, it grew into what is now known as “Vitamin G;” or tiny doses of a motivational vitamin (wisdom and encouragement) from my own experiences.

In an effort to live on and with purpose, I began to document many of the thoughts that motivate me. It began on Twitter and became an important part of all the social media platforms I engage on. As my friends and followers began to respond to my encouragement, I soon realized the impact these statements were making on other people and not just on myself.

After months of broadcasting positivity into my world, I decided I would expand on the most impactful statements in the form of a book. This, is that book! Each chapter has been specifically chosen and carefully considered to fulfill a special purpose in my, and now your, life. I take each social media post of motivation and write about the inspiration behind them.

Please allow me to be absolutely clear. I’m not a therapist. This book should not be a replacement for professional therapy. In fact, I hope it is catalyst to encourage you in your quest to live a fulfilling life, even if that means seeking the counseling you may need. I have personally participated in counseling, both personally and professionally. I do not believe we were ever meant to endure life’s journey alone.

This book should also not be considered a replacement for psychotherapy. If you suffer from chronic and extreme depression, or any other mental illness, please seek the necessary help you may need. Medical attention might be necessary and has been necessary in my own life. If you are having thoughts of self harm or the harm of others, please put this book down now and call your local mental health services immediately (988 if you are in the USA).

Something else I am not is a motivational speaker. Although I may, at times, motivate others to their best potential, I will never pretend to be an “everything is awesome” type person. Everything isn’t awesome. Let’s be real with each other. Life is not easy. What I talk about in this book was not easy to write about. And it will be equally difficult to apply to your life.

Although this book is technically in the self-help genre, some of the advice contained in these pages will encourage you to find communal help along the way. I’m just a bald guy trying to make it through life with my head above water. And these pages are pretty much how I do it. This book is more about self care than help. Take good care of yourself, and get help from those you trust.

There is no right or wrong way of coping with life. The hope I want to share with you is that you can cope. Most of what I wrote about in this book is about how I, personally, cope with life and the challenges and struggles I have endured. If this can help you too, I’m glad you are reading this now. Read the book, find how it can be applied to your life, and together we’ve got this!