Chicken Parmigiana

I use to judge a restaurant by its Chicken Parmigiana. In fact, there are a few places, none of which can I even recall their names now, that I have not been to since having a bad experience with this dish. As 2020 was "that" kind of year, I decided it was time to develop my own recipe of my favorite dish. This is that recipe! Once you've made it, feel free to judge my culinary skills!

  • 4 skinless chicken breast halves (I typically cut a chicken breast in half like I would when doing a butterfly cut; except all the way through. So 2 large chicken breasts is what I use.)
  • freshly ground salt and pepper to taste (Does not need to be freshly ground. I just think it tastes better that way.)
  • 2 large eggs ()
  • 1 cup(s) crackers mashed into crumbs (I use club crackers. You can also use bread crumbs. Club crackers just have that taste I was going for!)
  • 1 cup(s) grated parmesan ()
  • 1/4 cup(s) Italian seasoning ()
  • 1 cup(s) olive oil ()
  • 16 oz(s) jar pasta sauce ()
  • 1/4 cup(s) parsley ()
  • 1/4 cup(s) basil ()
  • 1/2 cup(s) shredded mozzarella ()
  • 1/2 cup(s) shredded parmesan ()
  • 16 oz(s) pasta (Optional. Spaghetti goes well. But any side works!)
  1. Preheat oven to 450F
  2. Place the chicken between sheets of plastic wrap and pound them until they are about 1/2 inch thick
  3. Season chicken with salt and pepper to taste
  4. Beat eggs in shallow bowl and set aside
  5. Mix cracker crumbs, grated parmesan, and Italian seasoning in another bowl and set aside
  6. Dip chicken in eggs, then in cracker/parm/seasoning mix and set aside
  7. Preheat olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat
  8. Cook chicken in olive oil for 1-2 minutes each side to crisp up the breading
  9. Place chicken in baking dish and spoon some pasta sauce over each piece
  10. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes
  11. While the chicken is baking, heat up remaining sauce and boil pasta
  12. Pull chicken out of the oven and turn broiler to high
  13. ayer each chicken breast with equal amounts of shredded mozzarella and parmesan, parsley, and basil
  14. Sprinkle 2 tsp of grated parmesan on each chicken breast and drizzle olive oil
  15. Broil chicken until cheese is bubbling and golden
  16. Serve each piece of chicken with a small pile of pasta with a topping of sauce
This serves 4, or 2 really hungry people. Substitute spaghetti for any pasta type, or omit the pasta if you prefer the chicken parmesan by itself. For a low carb alternative, you can substitute pork rinds for the crackers and zucchini, or similar, noodles.