2020 was a year of discovery, among other things. One of the hobbies I began that year was photography. I purchased a cheap, used camera to see if I had the eye and passion to capture my world in the photograph  medium. Once I moved to Florida, I took things to the next level and bought a decent camera and lens to fulfill this new found passion. The best of the best photographs I have been able to capture are featured here.

Boardwalk to Paradise (img_8106)

Boardwalk to Paradise (img_8106)

Robert K Rees Memorial Park in New Port Richey, Florida

Spanish Moss (dsc02766)

Spanish Moss (dsc02766)

It isn't difficult to see why I took this photograph! Isn't it beautiful?!?

Sun on Trees (dsc02770)

Sun on Trees (dsc02770)

There is quite a variety of plant life in this photograph. The sun doth provideth!

Focus on Spanish Moss (dsc02772)

Focus on Spanish Moss (dsc02772)

I love the focus on the Spanish Moss in the foreground as you see more Spanish Moss hanging in the background out of focus.

Sunshine through the Canopy (dsc02735)

Sunshine through the Canopy (dsc02735)

As I looked up at the trees around me, I felt the warmth of the sun. These trees and Spanish Moss help provide not only shade, but also a beautiful glimpse of the sunshine.

Field (dsc02713)

Field (dsc02713)

I'm not quite sure what the plant is that fills this field. It was mesmerizing for sure!

Glasswort (dsc02703)

Glasswort (dsc02703)

Even when something has passed away, new life can be found growing out from the old. This glasswort has given the dead stump from a previous tree new life and beauty.

Beauty Multiplied (dsc02686)

Beauty Multiplied (dsc02686)

Here is another unique and beautiful perspective on tree that once was. This stump seems to represent multiple trees grown in close enough proximity that they became one beautiful structure.

A Great and Beautiful Thing (dsc02685)

A Great and Beautiful Thing (dsc02685)

Anyone can look at a stump from above, as they walk over or by it, and see that a tree once stood there. If you get down to where the crawling creatures walk, you no longer see a stump. You see a great and beautiful thing.

Immature Little Blue Heron (dsc01615)

Immature Little Blue Heron (dsc01615)

When I lived in Indiana, I had already seen several Great Blue Herons in my lifetime. Once I moved to Florida, I began seeing a lot more of them. And then I came across this bird. I discovered there was another breed of blue heron...the Little Blue Heron. As the name suggests, it is a smaller bird than the Great Blue Heron. But just as majestic, nonetheless. The time of year I captured this beauty, this one was an immature. By now, it is a full grown adult bird that is a beautiful grey/blue color.

Calm Before the Storm (dsc01579)

Calm Before the Storm (dsc01579)

One of my favorite things about Florida is how the clouds are typically fluffy. As a storm rolls in, the clouds can be especially beautiful. This photo was capture shortly before a storm rolled through.