Sun on Trees (dsc02770)

Sun on Trees (dsc02770)

There is quite a variety of plant life in this photograph. The sun doth provideth!

Calm Before the Storm (dsc01579)

Calm Before the Storm (dsc01579)

One of my favorite things about Florida is how the clouds are typically fluffy. As a storm rolls in, the clouds can be especially beautiful. This photo was capture shortly before a storm rolled through.

View from Above

View from Above

I was inspired by the view I had from my bedroom at the time I painted this. So, I decided I wanted to make a landscape painting of the view. I may never physically be in that room ever again. But now, I have this to spark my memory.

Sunset on 49

Sunset on 49

I painted this from a photograph I took of a sunset for a friend of mine. When their birthday came around, I painted it as a gift for their 50th birthday.