Just Around the Corner

Surprises are often around the corner. It could be a new career opportunity. It could be meeting the love of your life. Perhaps a great surprise awaits you in the near future!

“Pocahontas,” the 1995 Disney animated film, includes the musical masterpiece ”Just around the Riverbend.” In this musical enchantment, Pocahontas sings of what is around the river’s bend. The song speaks of how things are always changing and there is a struggle in the decisions we make. The fluid motion of life can be an uncomfortable journey that can leave us a bit uncertain. And if we choose to stay safe by not going around the bend, we lose our chance of ever knowing what is up ahead.

I have been around for decades. You may have been around for a few or many yourself. As someone who has been around for more than four decades, I have learned many things are just around the corner. However, there is a struggle in the waiting to see what there is around that very corner. The constant changes in our world, and the many setbacks we face daily, can make us a bit apprehensive to even step forward and look to see what will become.

The majority of my career, I have been a bit anxious about the future of my employment. More often than not, I have spent my time at a job just meeting the status qou and hoping I would still have a job the next day. Although there were a few times when an opportunity would arise where I could advance in my career, anxiety would often grip me and make it difficult to turn that next corner.

The same has been true in my personal life. Despite my having a very personable personality, it takes quite a bit to get me to open up. By nature, I'm very introverted. I need to spend enormous amounts of time by myself. My social anxieties can be a crippling hurdle to overcome when I meet new people. I have met many people over the years and have become close friends to a few. Getting to know them and allowing them to know me was not an easy task for me.

In all my travels, I have had the opportunity to take many flights. One of the most majestic views from an airplane is to be able to see how a river winds through a landscape. As the river twists and turns through its journey, each bend clearly hides what is coming ahead. When traveling the surface of that river, it can be difficult to see what is ahead and whether or not it is safe to proceed. The beauty of seeing a river from above is that this perspective shows that what is ahead is clear and that it is completely safe to continue on the journey.

When we are able to raise above our circumstances, we can begin to see that surprises really do await just around the corner. From way up high, like on an airplane, we may not see what specifically will happen. But we can at least see that good things are possible. No matter what decisions you are facing today, rest assured something great awaits you. Rise above your doubts and soar. You might be surprised what is just around the corner.