Happy Little Accident

Happy Little Accident

Shortly after my renaissance in 2021, my sister asked me to paint the famous Spaceship Earth attraction of EPCOT at the Walt Disney World Resort. My first attempt did not go well. So I used the canvas as a testing platform to try different colors and painting techniques. 2 years later, I decided to officially name the canvas and turn it into an official piece of my collection. What began as a seemingly failed painting turned into a work of art! As Bob Ross might say, a “happy little accident.”



Other than the brushstrokes used to add some depth, the objects in this painting are made up entirely by lines.

My Mind's Eye

My Mind's Eye

A simple representation of how my mind is trying to make sense of the world around me. I find it quite difficult to focus on just one thing. Often, my mind is going all over the place. There are so many distractions in this world.

Sunrise in the Garden

Sunrise in the Garden

This was inspired by a Japanese garden of a Zen temple.

No More Tears

No More Tears

As I painted this, I was going through a divorce. The pain of that life event will always be there. However, the tears finally ended the day I painted this work.



For whatever reason, I left this painting unnamed. Perhaps it was not deserving of a name? Perhaps I simply forgot to give it a name? Whatever the reason might be, it will forever remain unnamed.

Poke Dots at Dusk

Poke Dots at Dusk

In this abstract, I was messing around with gradients as it flows over the poke dots. After completing the piece, I aptly named it.

At the Cross

At the Cross

I grew up in the church and Christianity has been a major influence in my life. So, it is common for me to "lay" my troubles and mistakes "at the foot of the cross," as Christians might say. This abstract piece shows how I feel Jesus leaning over me and reaching down to give me a hug.



My dreams are often abstractions of the life I live. Sometimes, my life feels so disconnected and haphazard. The lines and shapes of this abstract piece tell the most common story of the dreams I can remember.

Only the Beginning

Only the Beginning

As my 2021 renaissance was progressing, I began to experiment with the abstract. In this painting, one of the more interesting facts is that each colored shape was (the circle, square, and triangle) painted in a single stroke.