

For thousands of years, mankind has been contemplating and philosophizing, what I have come to accept as, the importance balance plays in life. In my own life, this has come in many forms. From compensation for work I do for an employer to faith-based organized religion, I have always had a need to find some sort of balance. This has been difficult to achieve at times, however. Sometimes outside sources such as world events can effect my balance. Other times, it can simply be my own inner thoughts. The former is out of my own control. The latter is quite within my grasp. To help with inner thoughts, I look to some seemingly odd, and very small, places.

At the Cross

At the Cross

I grew up in the church and Christianity has been a major influence in my life. So, it is common for me to "lay" my troubles and mistakes "at the foot of the cross," as Christians might say. This abstract piece shows how I feel Jesus leaning over me and reaching down to give me a hug.